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Exhibitors enjoy:
Guests enjoy:
BASA Expo proceeds in the past has been used to support the BASA Cares Grant Program and support for area seniors. Numerous non-profit agencies have received funding in our community that support older adults. We also allocated funding to assist seniors’ unmet needs, everything from heating assistance to dental care. Help us support area seniors by becoming an exhibitor today.
We anticipate the virtual booths will fill up quickly. Exhibitors will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. Your prompt registration and payment are strongly encouraged. All registrations & payment must be received by March 31, 2021. If you have any questions, please visit our website or contact the Exhibitor Chair, Theresa Kerry at [email protected] or 231-929-7083 extension 2202.
Bay Area Senior Advocates is a collaborative organization comprised of both profit and non-profit older adult service provides in Grand Traverse, Leelanau and Antrim counties.
Theresa Kerry,
231-929-7083 ext. 2202,
[email protected]
Fees: For the virtual Senior Expo, mutually coordinated by BASA and Leelanau Senior Services, the cost to participate is:
All registration deadlines for Exhibitors are March 31st, 2021. You must go to www.tcseniorexpo.org and register online. As you complete the registration form you will be instructed as you go to input all information needed to complete your virtual booth. Please be prepared to upload your Logo, Organization Name, Department Name, a Contact Name for the booth display, Address, Phone Number, Service Category (based on BASA membership), “About” Section, photo, Facebook page link, website link, and PDF forms as you complete your registration. You will be provided an email link for your video upload upon completion of your registration. You will also be able to update and change your booth information by logging into your created account after completion. You may pay by using PayPal or mailing in a check. If you pay by check you will complete the online form, print and mail with your check. Payment made by PayPal will be charged an additional flat $5 processing fee. If you have been contacted by Theresa Kerry regarding a balance from last year and have chosen to use those funds, please click the “mail check” option.
Theme: SUPER HEROES! What super services does your organization provide? What superhuman value do you offer? How are you protecting our Seniors? How does a person call out (contact) for your services? We ask that you help us keep this virtual expo creative for our Seniors, but also informative.
Virtual Booth Details: When an attendee (Senior or family member) visits the Senior Expo site, they will click on an Icon with your organization’s name. It will take them to your “booth” site. On this booth site, the attendee will see your Logo (Min size: 284px x 219px), Organization Name, Department Name, a Contact Name for your booth display, Address, Phone Number, Service Category (based on BASA membership), “About” Section, Facebook page link, website link, a photo you choose to upload (optional) (Min size: 368px x 246px), your PDF forms and/or a video you’ve uploaded. Cost is listed under Fees, above. You have a choice to upload your own video and/or two documents (pdf’s) that explain your services, cost, value, etc. BASA Senior Expo Committee will be coordinating prize drawings, but each exhibitor will not have that option.
If you have issues with uploading your video, please contact Elizabeth Sonnabend at [email protected]
Booth Décor: Exhibitors are encouraged to incorporate the Heroes theme into your booth display.
All efforts to decorate your booth in line with the theme will be appreciated.
Cancellations: No refunds or transfers, no exceptions.
Liability and Indemnification: BASA reserves the right to remove any listing including video, logos, text, links…etc. from the Ideas for Life Senior Expo website &/or Virtual Expo platform for any reason at any time.
Violations of this policy will result in exhibitors forfeiting their fee, exhibitor’s virtual booth being taken down and exhibitors will not be welcomed back to future expos. All exhibitors agree to follow CAN-SPAM laws with any information they gather from the expo and that they understand they are liable for any violation of those laws, not BASA. By completing your registration, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and will abide by the Exhibitor Policy
The 21st annual Ideas for Life Senior Expo is joining forces with Leelanau’s Senior Expo this year to bring you the Super Heroes Virtual Expo! Sponsorship and Exhibitor registration is now open! Last year we all became Super Heroes as we took on the evil villain- COVID -19. As we continue to thwart this villain, Senior Expo will be going virtual! We have had tremendous success with live Senior Expos and look forward to a YEAR LONG virtual Senior Expo, uniquely offering a site with continuous marketing for our Seniors to visit throughout the whole year! We are excited offer this new concept to Seniors and their families!
We are seeking businesses and organizations like yours that want to inform and educate older adults and caregivers about their products and services. This year’s expo theme is “SUPER HEROES”! What super services does your organization provide? What superhuman value do you offer? How are you protecting our Seniors? How does a person call out for your services? Join us as an exhibitor to showcase your organization.
Exhibitors enjoy:
Guests enjoy:
BASA Expo proceeds in the past has been used to support the BASA Cares Grant Program and support for area seniors. Numerous non-profit agencies have received funding in our community that support older adults. We also allocated funding to assist seniors’ unmet needs, everything from heating assistance to dental care. Help us support area seniors by becoming an exhibitor today.
We anticipate the virtual booths will fill up quickly. Exhibitors will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis. Your prompt registration and payment are strongly encouraged. All registrations & payment must be received by March 31, 2021. If you have any questions, please visit our website or contact the Exhibitor Chair, Theresa Kerry at [email protected] or 231-929-7083 extension 2202.
Bay Area Senior Advocates is a collaborative organization comprised of both profit and non-profit older adult service provides in Grand Traverse, Leelanau and Antrim counties.
Theresa Kerry,
231-929-7083 ext. 2202,
[email protected]
Fees: For the virtual Senior Expo, mutually coordinated by BASA and Leelanau Senior Services, the cost to participate is:
All registration deadlines for Exhibitors are March 31st, 2021. You must go to www.tcseniorexpo.org and register online. As you complete the registration form you will be instructed as you go to input all information needed to complete your virtual booth. Please be prepared to upload your Logo, Organization Name, Department Name, a Contact Name for the booth display, Address, Phone Number, Service Category (based on BASA membership), “About” Section, photo, Facebook page link, website link, and PDF forms as you complete your registration. You will be provided an email link for your video upload upon completion of your registration. You will also be able to update and change your booth information by logging into your created account after completion. You may pay by using PayPal or mailing in a check. If you pay by check you will complete the online form, print and mail with your check. Payment made by PayPal will be charged an additional flat $5 processing fee. If you have been contacted by Theresa Kerry regarding a balance from last year and have chosen to use those funds, please click the “mail check” option.
Theme: SUPER HEROES! What super services does your organization provide? What superhuman value do you offer? How are you protecting our Seniors? How does a person call out (contact) for your services? We ask that you help us keep this virtual expo creative for our Seniors, but also informative.
Virtual Booth Details: When an attendee (Senior or family member) visits the Senior Expo site, they will click on an Icon with your organization’s name. It will take them to your “booth” site. On this booth site, the attendee will see your Logo (Min size: 284px x 219px), Organization Name, Department Name, a Contact Name for your booth display, Address, Phone Number, Service Category (based on BASA membership), “About” Section, Facebook page link, website link, a photo you choose to upload (optional) (Min size: 368px x 246px), your PDF forms and/or a video you’ve uploaded. Cost is listed under Fees, above. You have a choice to upload your own video and/or two documents (pdf’s) that explain your services, cost, value, etc. BASA Senior Expo Committee will be coordinating prize drawings, but each exhibitor will not have that option.
If you have issues with uploading your video, please contact Elizabeth Sonnabend at [email protected]
Booth Décor: Exhibitors are encouraged to incorporate the Heroes theme into your booth display.
All efforts to decorate your booth in line with the theme will be appreciated.
Cancellations: No refunds or transfers, no exceptions.
Liability and Indemnification: BASA reserves the right to remove any listing including video, logos, text, links…etc. from the Ideas for Life Senior Expo website &/or Virtual Expo platform for any reason at any time.
Violations of this policy will result in exhibitors forfeiting their fee, exhibitor’s virtual booth being taken down and exhibitors will not be welcomed back to future expos. All exhibitors agree to follow CAN-SPAM laws with any information they gather from the expo and that they understand they are liable for any violation of those laws, not BASA. By completing your registration, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and will abide by the Exhibitor Policy