Winter 2014 Obesity Initiative Newsletter
From: Butler, Diane <DBUTLER> Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 1:24 PM Subject: Winter 2014 Obesity Initiative Newsletter To: "Butler, Diane" <DBUTLER> Hello everyone, Hope you are all staying warm…
From: Butler, Diane <DBUTLER> Date: Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 1:24 PM Subject: Winter 2014 Obesity Initiative Newsletter To: "Butler, Diane" <DBUTLER> Hello everyone, Hope you are all staying warm…
Urgent Clinic News February 2014 FINAL.docx
Some changes coming from the Social Security Office - thought might be of interest. Lori Wells In December, I wrote to tell you about some upcoming changes to the services…
Thank you to Susie Wischman for taking on the task of BASA's Communications! Please send all correspondence you wish to get out to the BASA membership to her at: swischman.…
View this email in your browser Tell Congress: Low-Income People on Medicare Deserve Greater Security Our friends at NCOA shared the following with us, and we felt it was important…
R E PORT ON THE FEBRUARY 21, 2014, MEETING OF THE MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON SERVICES TO THE AGING This was a conference call. I. OSA Director Report (Kari Sederburg) Special…
Just received this Grand Vision Growth & Investment Network announcement and reminder, from G&I Network convener Scott Gest at the NWM Council of Governments, with an invitation to attend the…
Region 10 Nursing Home List and Contacts reg10nhlist.doc
MARCH FOR MEALS SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency - Meals on Wheels is participating in the March for Meals Campaign, a national effort initiated by the Meals on…
Materials that were recently shared at Collaborative meeting, may be of interest to some. 2014-02-27 Collaborative Meeting Agenda.pdf GTCC Budget 2013-2014 01-31-14 for Collaborative.pdf 2014-01-23 GT Collaborative Minutes.pdf 2014-01-23 Collaborative…
BASA members here is a great resource to share/exchange office furniture/equipment. Items donated by non-profit agencies may only be shared with other non-profit agencies. Private sector may donate items and…
"Ideas for Life" Senior Expo - Exhibitor Forms now available for download. Online payments options coming soon. Download here: 2014 Exhibitor Form (Adobe Acrobat Required) -Early Bird Booth Fee -…
BASA has redesigned their website to include many new features for our members and the communities we support. Our new website features: - Membership Listings- Enhanced Organization/ Business listings with…