REPORT ON THE MICHIGAN COMMISSION ON SERVICES TO THE AGING May 15, 2015, Meeting at the Ramada Lansing Hotel and Conference Center, located at 7501 W. Saginaw Hwy.
I. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Presentation
Nick Lyon, Executive Director: Director Lyon reported that while the merger will require time before it is complete, it is moving along and key personnel are already in place.
II. AASA Director Report by Kari Sederburg, Aging and Adult Services
Michigan Dept. of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) – Merger Update
We learned last week that we will have a new addition to the Aging & Adult Services (AASA) team! We are excited to welcome the Adult Services Policy section, formerly with the Dept. of Human Service, to the AASA team! We are still working out the details to figure out space, timing, etc. As for the rest of the merger, we are putting the Medicaid discussion on hold now with the announcement of Medicaid director Steve Fitton leaving. We want to be thoughtful in our approach and will need some time to sort through the details. So while our team will expand eventually, it won’t happen in the immediate future.
Area Agency on Aging Annual Conference
Last week was the 28th Annual AAA Conference – and what a great turnout! Director Lyon provided the keynote address on Thursday morning and had nothing but great things to say about the aging network. He is a great advocate for aging services – he even wore the “silver key” in support of the Silver Key Coalition, which advocates for home and community-based funding.
LEAN Process Improvement
The Long-Term Supports & Services LEAN Process Improvement Initiative is moving right along! The Cross Departmental Coordinating Council – made up of representatives from various departments/offices across state government – has been meeting nearly every other week and has been working with content experts to “map out” various programs/services. To date, they have met with AAA’s, Michigan Rehab Services, Ingham County DHS Home Health and Adult Protective Services, Centers for Independent Living, Private Duty Nursing, PACE and Care Management. The group is scheduled to meet with Options Counselors, Nursing Facilities, Veterans Programs, Behavioral Health, and the Bureau of Services for Blind Persons. I have attached a brief overview of the initiative. Please connect with Leslie (ShanlianL) if you have any questions!
Older Michiganian’s Day – June 2nd!
A friendly reminder – Older Michiganian’s Day is on June 2nd on the Capitol Lawn. The event begins around 10:00AM and will run until 2:30PM. I will send out the agenda and platform once it’s finalized. We are hoping you will be able to join us!
III Business Items
Request for Approval of Ombudsman Volunteer Training (OVT) Presented by Sarah Slocum, State Long Term Care Ombudsman.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Aging and Adult Services Agency, requests the Commission’s approval of Federal Title VII/A granted to AASA in the amount of $7,500 for FY 2015.
Approved by the Commission
Request for Approval of Contractual Services to Revise the Building Training…Building (BTBQ) Quality Personal and Home Care Aide Training Curriculum Presented by Lauren Swanson-Aprill, AASA Staff
The Aging and Adult Services Agency requests the Commission’s
approval to use administrative funds up to $10,000 to contract for
revisions to the BTBQ Personal Care Aide training.Approved by the
Request for Approval of State Advisory Council on Aging (SAC) Bylaws
Review Committee Draft of Proposed Changes Presented by
Commissioner Sheehan.
The bylaws must be examined every three years. Revisions were suggested
by an appointed committee consisting of Commissioners Matthew
Adeyanju, Jerry Irby, Michael Sheehan, and Kristie Zamora. The
Commission approved them, and the revised bylaws will be presented to the
Advisory Council during its June meeting.
Request for Approval of SAC Member Appointment Presented by Commissioner Michael Sheehan, SAC Chair.
Sandra Falk-Michaels of Region 1-C was appointed to the Advisory
Council by the Commission. She will replace longtime SAC member
John Pedit, who died recently.
Approval of Aging and Disability Resource Collaboration (ADRC) Part B Sustainability Grant to Great Lakes Training, Inc. Presented by Tari Muniz, AASA Staff.
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services/Aging and Adult Services Aging Agency requests approval of funding to Great Lakes Training for Motivational Interviewing training for ADRC person-centered counselors. The training will be held June 25, 2015. The Commission approved the grant in the amount of $1,500.
At the end of today’s meeting, there was a luncheon event celebrating DTE Energy’s and Consumers Energy’s 2014 Gatekeepers of the Year.
The next Commission on Services to the Aging meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on Friday, June 19, 2015, at 9:00 AM at the Turner Senior Resource Center, located at 2401 Plymouth Road in Ann Arbor. A Public Hearing on the Aging and Adult Services Agency State Plan will be held at that same location at 1:00 PM.
Please note this meeting is open to the public, anyone wishing to attend may do so. Those needing accommodations to attend meetings should contact Carol Dye at (517) 373-8268 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting date.
The next State Advisory Council on Aging meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on Thursday, June 18, 2015, at the Ramada Lansing Hotel and Conference Center, located at 7501 W. Saginaw Hwy., in Lansing.
Submitted by Commissioner Michael J. Sheehan
Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging and
Chairman, State Advisory Council on Aging