Please disseminate widely

From: Michael Sheehan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, June 21, 2014 4:16 PM
To: Bob Schlueter; Lori Wells; Cyndie Forster; Wischman, Susan
Subject: Please disseminate widely



AAA 3C Offices, Coldwater, Michigan

June 20, 2014

I. Commission Chair Report (Harold Mast)

a) Meeting dates: earlier start in August and September
b) Commissioner addresses: for Commissioners’ eyes only

c) 2105 schedule will be set in the near future

II. OSA Director Report(Kari Sederburg)

State FY 15 Budget

Great news! The legislature signed the budget, which included all of the funding for aging-related programs! Funding includes $5M for in-home services and home delivered meals, $9M for MI Choice Medicaid home and community-based services waiver, $5.6M for the expansion of PACE (Program for All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly) and $1M for elder abuse prevention! It’s an exciting time for the aging network! The governor is expected to sign the budget on Tuesday, June 24.

Also, just a reminder that FY 15 will be the second year of the four-year phase in of the funding formula changes. We will develop what we call “cost allocation plans” for the area agencies on aging soon.

Governor’s Special Message on Aging

As you are aware, the governor delivered his Special Message on Aging on Monday, June 2nd. The governor focused on four critically important areas that will improve the quality of life for Michigan’s older adults: Living a healthy lifestyle, remaining active and engaged, ensuring financial security during retirement, and retaining independence and choice.

To ensure older adults have the opportunity to maintain their independence and choice as they age, the governor reaffirmed his strong commitment to home- and community-based services for older adults through Michigan’s long-term care system. He also reinforced the importance of making Michigan a “no wait state” by properly funding these services to end service waiting lists.

Read more about it and watch video from Governor Snyder’s Special Message on Aging.,4668,7-277-61409_68508_68511-329668–,00.html

Grants, Grants, Grants!

There are two grant opportunities coming up that OSA plans on applying for in July! The first grant is a funding opportunity for falls prevention trainings. This grant will enhance and extend the reach of programs like Matter of Balance. The second grant opportunity is a year-long planning grant to help fund our long term supports and services reinvention within the state, which will help bolster our Aging and Disability Resource Collaboration efforts. Stay tuned for more information!

Volunteer Programs

As you know, there are some threats to the Senior Corps volunteer programs at the federal level. Thank you to the commissioners who have agreed to dive into this issue on a deeper level. Cathy Sharp from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) will be joining us at the July meeting to discuss the Senior Corps programs from the federal perspective.

Older Michiganian’s Day

Kudos to Mary Ablan, Area Agency on Aging Association Director, and the planning committee for another successful OMD! The governor was thrilled with the turnout and the support for his budget recommendations. And I think he had a great time meeting folks – he really loved the signs! Congratulations to all for such a successful event, and thanks to those of you who were able to attend.

III. Business Items [All items below were approved.]

(A) Approval of Program Year (PY) 2014-2015 Senior Community
Service Employment Program (SCSEP) Allocations
Presented by
Laura McMurtry, OSA Staff

(B) Request for Approval to Amend an Elder Law of Michigan Grant

Presented by Wendi Middleton, OSA Staff
Original Grant Amount Current Grant Request New Grant Total
$164,500 $14,000 $178,500

(C) Approval of Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Ombudsman Funds to Legal
Services of South Central Michigan
Presented by Sarah Slocum,
OSA Staff
$15,000 to provide individual case analysis, administrative appeals
training, level of care problems, involuntary discharges, and other topics
critical to the work of local long-term care ombudsmen and volunteers.

(D) Approval of Revised Commission By-Laws Language

Presented by Commissioners Michael Sheehan and Douglas Chalgian
The State Attorney General’s Office notified OSA that the Commission on Services to the Aging by-laws may be out of compliance with the Open Meetings Act. In response, we have drafted new language for Article 3. Meetings, Section 3.4, Telephone Conference Meetings, which takes into account any future changes to the OMA, as follows:
Article III Meetings
Section 3.4 Meeting Participation By Alternate Means
A. As an alternate to being physically present, members of the
Commission may participate in a Commission meeting via
telephone or via electronic means, such as video conferencing.

B. A member who is not physically present may vote or be counted in
the quorum only to the extent allowed by the Michigan Open
Meetings Act.

(E) Approval of Draft Senior Corps Letter on Proposed Changes

Presented by Kari Sederburg
The Commission opposes proposed federal changes that would harm programs such as The Retired and Seniors Volunteer Program, The Foster Grandparent Program, and The Senior Companion Program.

IV. Informational Items

(A) NAPIS 2013 Data Overview Presented by Scott Wamsley, OSA
[Note: when this goes online, I’ll send along the URL.]

V. Announcements

There was a public hearing after this meeting at the H. & C. Burnside Senior Center located at 65 Grahl Drive in Coldwater. Transportation to the public hearing was provided by Region 3C’s local Transportation Authority bus, and lunch was catered through Region 3C’s local senior nutrition provider, both direct service providers.

The next Commission on Services to the Aging meeting will be held at 10:00 A.M. on Friday, July 18, 2014, at the St. Clair Council on Aging located at 600 Grand River Ave. in Port Huron. A public hearing on the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging State Plan will be held at this same location at 1:00 PM.

Please note this meeting is open to the public. Anyone wishing to attend can do so. Those needing accommodations to attend meetings should contact Carol Dye at (517) 373-7876 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting date.

Submitted by Commissioner Michael J. Sheehan

Commission on Services to the Aging &

Chairman, State Advisory Council on Aging

The Senior Corner:

