February 20, 2015 Meeting at the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging
300 E. Michigan Avenue, 3rd Floor Large Conference Room, Lansing
I. Commission Chair Report
a) CSA Bylaws: Review Commission’s Purpose
b) Discuss and Set Topics for Future Commission Consideration
c) Gatekeeper Workgroup Report by Commissioner Gerald Irby
II. OSA Director Report Kari Sederburg
Budget Updates FY 16 State Budget
Gov. Snyder released his executive budget recommendations on February 11th. In light of the budget deficits, the positive news for the aging network is that our programs are not receiving any reductions! Funding levels remain at FY 15 levels, which include the “new†funding for services that were included last year. Budget details can be found at
And on an even more positive note, the governor has recommended $357,500 in general fund (GF) dollars for the Long-Term Care Ombudsman program (SLTCO). These funds will replace funds that were lost due to the change in rules from the Civil Money Penalty Funds. Of those funds, $200,000 is recommended to support the local ombudsmen, and $157,500 for the State LTCO office.
In addition, the FY 16 executive budget keeps the Medicaid MI Choice program at flat funding (meaning no cuts) and continues the expansion of the Program for All- Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) by shifting $8.3 million in general funds from long-term care to PACE. This expansion covers programs in Jackson and Traverse City.
I will be presenting OSA’s FY 16 budget on Tuesday, March 3rd. I present in front of the House DCH Appropriations subcommittee at 10:30AM, and the Senate subcommittee at 2:30PM.
FY 15 Federal Budget
Last week we received a majority of the full Older Americans Act FY 15 funding awards. We received very slight decreases from FY14 levels ranging from 0.05% – 1.5%. Scott will be available at the commission meeting to discuss in more detail.
Dept. of Health & Human Services
On February 9, the governor signed the Executive Order (EO) that would create the new Department of Health & Human Services by merging the Department of Community Health and the Department of Human Services into one organization. In addition, the EO creates two new agencies – the Michigan Children’s Services Agency and the Aging and Adult Services Agency.
All of the details are still being worked out, but it is clear OSA will become the new Aging and Adult Services Agency. Our work, as governed by the Older Michiganian’s Act, is written into the new EO. The Commission is also written into the new agency.
We will keep you posted on details as they unfold. The EO will be taken up by the legislature and if not changed, will take effect April 10, 2015. The goal is to have an integrated budget and new department by the beginning of FY 2016 (Oct. 1, 2015).
Below is a link the governor’s press release with more detail:
Legislative Update
Legislative Meetings
Last week we had meetings with the new Appropriations committee chairs – Senator Hildenbrand and Representative Pischolka. Both legislators have good relationships with their local area agencies on aging and are familiar with the aging network and the important services provided.
I have also given an OSA overview to both the House and Senate Families, Children and Seniors committees. There was overwhelming support and understanding of the importance of programs like Meals on Wheels. I’ve attached my presentation so you can see what was discussed.
AARP is looking to introduce legislation called the CARE Act – The Caregiver Advise, Record, Enable (CARE) Act – to better support caregivers as they safely help older adults stay at home. The CARE Act features three important provisions:
ï‚· The name of the caregiver is recorded when a loved one is admitted into a hospital or rehabilitation facility;
ï‚· The caregiver is notified if the loved one is to be discharged; and,
 The facility must provide an explanation and live instruction of the medical tasks – such as medication management and wound care – that the family caregiver will perform at home.
If you are interested in learning more, AARP is willing to attend an upcoming meeting to discuss.
Elder Abuse Mini Grants
Last week we put out an RFP for mini grants for organizations or collaborations to create projects that address elder abuse and/or prevention at a local level. (E.g. interdisciplinary teams, education summits, task force development). More information about these mini grants can be found at
AAA Annual Implementation Plans (AIP)
The AAA AIP process for FY16 plans will commence in the next couple weeks. We will be bringing you the approval criteria at the April meeting. Then, as you remember from last year, you will review the AAAs’ plans at the August and September commission meetings.
2014 Annual Report
OSA’s FY14 annual report is complete! We do not yet have hard copies printed, but you can check out the digital version at the link below:
Eric’s 40th Anniversary!
Congratulations to Eric Berke on his 40th anniversary with OSA.
III. Financial Update (Standing Agenda Item)
OSA Budget, Audit, and Grants, by Scott Walmsley, Division Director
IV. Business Items (All approved)
a) Discuss CSA Meeting Time Adjustments
Presented by Commissioner Harold Mast
Commission meetings will now take place one hour earlier—9:00 am.
b) Request for Approval of Amendment to Services to Older Adult Refugee Grant Presented by Tari Muniz, OSA Staff
The amendment involves funds to be used to provide services to older adult refugees.
Previous Award Amended Award Total Award
1-B: $21,412 $50,144 $71,556
8: $21,412 $50,145 $71,557
c) Request for Approval to Distribute Title VII Funds
Presented by Sarah Slocum, OSA Staff
To provide training to local ombudsmen and local volunteers on legal issues affecting nursing home residents.
Grantee: Legal Services of South Central Michigan
Amount: $20,000
d) Request for Approval of Amendment to Aging and Disability Resource Collaboration (ADRC) Part B Sustainability Grant to Starling Center for Organizational Development
Presented by Wendi Middleton, OSA Staff
To cover the cost of hosting online e-learning training programs, tracking users, and providing certification of completion and provision of technical assistance.
Current Award Increased Award Total Funding
$20,525 $9,900 $30,424
e) Request for Approval of Amendment to Alzheimer’s Disease Supportive Services Project (ADSSP) Grant
Presented by Sally Steiner, OSA Staff
To compensate Daniel Velez-Ortiz, Ph.D, for additional work on the Spanish translation of the caregiver manual.
Previous Award Amended Award Total Award
$2,000 $1,500 $3,500
V. Informational Items
a) Corrections to Previously Approved CSA Memos
Presented by Dawne Velianoff, Elder Abuse & Prevention Unit Manager
a) Review Long-Term Care Supports & Services (LTCSS) Advisory Commission Recommendations
Presented by Reg Carter, LTCSS Advisory Commission Chair
See attachment
b) Long-Term Care LEAN Process Improvement
Presented by Leslie Shanlian, OSA Deputy and Dennis Sergent, LEAN
See: –
c) Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program Funding Opportunity
Presented by Joan Ilardo, CSA Commissioner
See: –
d) Building Training…Building Quality Executive Summary Update
Presented by Lauren Swanson, OSA Staff
e) Discuss State Advisory Council on Aging 2015 Report Charge Presented by Commissioner Michael Sheehan
The Commission gave this assignment to the State Advisory Council on Aging for 2015-2016: Direct Care Workers: Training, Certification, Accountability, Retention
VI. Announcements
The next Commission on Services to the Aging meeting is tentatively scheduled for Friday, March 20, 2015, at 10:00 AM at the Michigan Office of Services to the Aging, located at 300 E. Michigan Ave., 3rd Floor Large Conference Room in Lansing.
Please note: These meetings are open to the public. Anyone wishing to attend may do so. Those needing accommodations to attend should contact Carol Dye at (517) 373-8268 at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
The next State Advisory Council on Aging meeting will be held at 9:30 AM on Thursday, March 19, 2015, at the Ramada Hotel in Lansing.
Submitted by Commissioner Michael J. Sheehan
Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging and
Chairman, State Advisory Council on Aging
Michael J. Sheehan
WEBSITE — The Senior Corner: