Mike Sheehan asked that we forward this information to BASA members:
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Lasher, Geralyn (DCH)" <lasherg>
Date: August 22, 2014 at 10:47:49 AM EDT
To: "Lasher, Geralyn (DCH)" <lasherg>
Subject: Health Innovation Grants RFP
To our partners:
The Michigan Department of Community Health will be distributing the attached press release today announcing a Request for Proposal (RFP) for organizations interested in applying for Health Innovation Grants. These funds are for one-time projects up to $35,000 that demonstrate a creative approach to improving the delivery of Michigan’s health services. MDCH plans to award grant funding to approximately 40-50 projects.
This is the second year Michigan has awarded Health Innovation Grants. Last year, 170 grants were awarded for $1.25 million. Applicants may be public, non-profit and private organizations. We ask that you share this information with your networks, and encourage your partners to apply. Questions from applicants are due by Sept. 5and all applications are due Sept. 22.
For more information, please reference the attached press release. Additional details regarding the application process are available on the MDCH website at http://www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,4612,7-132-2946_43858-335463–,00.html.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns, and thank you for all you do to promote the health of Michigan.
Interim Executive Director of the Michigan Health Endowment Fund
Senior Deputy Director External Relations and Communications
Michigan Department of Community Health
201 Townsend Street, Capitol View Building
Lansing Michigan 48913
P: (517) 241-2112
C: (517) 599-5164
Twitter: @glasher