Ramada Hotel & Conference Center, 7501 W. Saginaw Hwy., Lansing
I. Report from Kari Sederburg, Aging & Adult Services Agency (AASA) Executive Director
Administration for Community Living (ACL) is Visiting Michigan
It’s that time of year again – time for a visit from our federal friends from the ACL! Our federal field rep, will be in Lansing September 8-9th for their annual assessment. We don’t anticipate any issues, but will keep you posted!
MI Dept. of Health & Human Services (MDHHS) Merger Update
AASA leadership has met with Medicaid and the executive team at MDHHS to discuss the potential reform of long-term care programs within the department. There is nothing finalized to report
right now, but we are moving closer to having an internal system/process that will develop sound policy, with strong input from our local partners and those we serve. I will keep you posted as we continue to move forward. MDHHS leadership is also interested in seeing the Lean recommendations before making any merger-related decisions. (See below.)
Lean Process Improvement
As you may recall, AASA has taken the lead on a Long Term Supports and Services (LTSS) Lean process improvement initiative. This initiative includes representatives from all state agencies involved with aging, disability and LTSS. For the past year and a half, that group has been engaged in a Lean process mapping initiative to address how all of these services can be more effectively managed and aligned with a particular focus on delivery at the local level. These recommendations should be finalized by the end of September. We will provide an update at a future meeting.
FY 17 Budget
We are just beginning the state fiscal year (FY) 2017 budget discussions. With the road funding issue looming, the likelihood of increased funding is slim, but we are still going to make some recommendations for increased funding for aging-related programs. We are going to work through those recommendations in the upcoming weeks.
State Long Term Care Ombudsman
Sarah Slocum will be at the meeting Friday to provide an additional update on the LTC Ombudsman program and the federal regulations. We had a productive meeting with MDHHS Director Nick Lyon – she will fill you in at the meeting!
AAA Annual Implementation Plans (AIPs)
A big thank you to the AAA Directors and AASA’s fabulous field reps for all of their work on the AIPs. The August and September meetings will be busy but very informative! And thanks to each of you for taking the time to review the plans!
White House Conference on Aging Livestream Videos Available
If you enjoyed viewing the White House Conference on Aging and wished you could see those riveting panel discussions again, or missed them the first time and want to take a gander, you can find the livesteam videos by following this link:
II. Report from Dona Wishart, Chairperson, Commission on Services to the Aging
Commissioner Wishart conducted her first meeting after being appointed by Governor Snyder. She thanked all for their help in getting her up to speed. She welcomed new Commissioner Kathleen LaTosch. She announced the reappointment of Commissioner Sheehan as Chairman of the State Advisory Council. She also announced that our monthly financial and legislative updates will continue.
III. Business Items
9:30 a) Request for Approval of Fiscal Year (FY) 2016 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) for the Upper Peninsula Area Agency on Aging (AAA)/UPCAP Services, Inc., Region 11
Presented by Dan Doezema, AASA Staff
$8,344,077.00 approved
10:00 b) Request for Approval of FY 2016 AIP for Region 3-B AAA
Presented by Steve Betterly, AASA Staff
$2,439,813.00 approved
10:30 c) Request for Approval of FY 2016 AIP for Region 1-B AAA
Presented by Steve Betterly, AASA Staff
$22,562,515.00 approved
11:00 d) Request for Approval of FY 2016 AIP for the Detroit AAA, Region 1A
Presented by Laura McMurtry, AASA Staff
$8,344,077.00 approved
11:30 e) Request for Approval of FY 2016 AIP for The Senior Alliance, Inc., AAA Region 1C
Presented by Laura McMurtry, AASA Staff
$7,479,911.00 approved
1:00 f) Request for Approval of FY 2016 AIP for Region 2 AAA
Presented by Sherri King, AASA Staff
$4,974,289.00 approved
1:30 g) Request for Approval of FY 2016 AIP for Region VII AAA
Presented by Eric Berke, AASA Staff
$8,145,703.00 approved
2:00 h) Request for Approval to Send out Request for Proposals (RFP) for the Ombudsman Program
Presented by Sarah Slocum, AASA Staff
Approval granted
2:15 i) Approval of State Advisory Council on Aging Appointments
Presented by Commissioner Michael Sheehan, SAC Chair
Four commissioners (Ortega, Reid-Smith, Sheehan, and Zamora)
served on the evaluation committee. They recommended three-
year appointments for Patricia Rencher (1-A) and David Caudle (5).
Applicants Thomas Cervenak (1-A) and Bozena Bienias (5) were
placed on a waiting list by their own request.
Approval granted
The Commission issued guidance at the request of the evaluation
committee to cover an unprecedented situation. A SAC member asked to
remain on the Advisory Council, but to be reassigned to another region.
This would cause a domino effect, since most regions already have their
full complement. Therefore, the following guideline will be followed:
If a current SAC member wishes to shift to represent a different
region than the one he or she currently represents, then that person
must apply again to be considered as an applicant for the new
Of course, if the new region has full representation, the worst that will
happen is that he or she will be placed on a waiting list.
The next Commission on Services to the Aging meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on Friday, September 18, 2015, at the Ramada Lansing Hotel & Conference Center, located at 7501 W. Saginaw Hwy. in Lansing. This meeting will likely run longer than normal, given the Commission will review and consider approval of nine of the 16 Area Agency on Aging’s FY 2016 AIPs and possible grant allocations.
Please note this meeting is open to the public; anyone wishing to attend may do so.
The next State Advisory Council on Aging meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on Thursday, October 22, 2015, at the Ramada Hotel & Conference Center, 7501 W. Saginaw Hwy., in Lansing.
The next State Advisory Council on Aging meeting will be held at 9:00 AM on Thursday, October 22, 2015, at the Ramada Hotel & Conference Center, 7501 W. Saginaw Hwy., in Lansing.
Submitted by Commissioner Michael J. Sheehan
Michigan Commission on Services to the Aging and
Chairman, State Advisory Council on Aging
Michael J. Sheehan
WEBSITE — The Senior Corner: theseniorcorner.weebly.com
BLOG: verbmall.blogspot.com