From: Mary Sue and Young at Heart Music <marysue>
Date: November 13, 2015 at 10:58:50 AM EST
To: Mary Sue <wilkinson.marysue>
Subject: "Alive Inside" – A Special Invitation from Mary Sue and the Young at Heart Music Program
Reply-To: Mary Sue and Young at Heart Music <marysue>"Alive Inside" – A Special Invitation from Mary Sue and the Young at Heart Music Program
Alive Inside the award winning documentary about the power of music free showing at TADL. Email not displaying correctly?
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A Special
Invitation from
Mary Sue and
November 18 Please join me for this special opportunity to see "Alive Inside", the award winning documentary about the power of music to reach and awaken people with dementia including Alzheimer’s. Along with the sponsors, I will be sharing a few words about my experiences with the Young at Heart Music program.
*WINNER Documentary Audience Award 2014 Sundance Film Festival*
When: Wednesday November, 18th, 2015 from 7:00pm-8:30pm
Where: Traverse Area District Library
610 Woodmere Ave, Traverse City, MI 49686
Cost: FreeMore information HERE.
Sponsored by The Traverse Area District Library, The Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan Long Term Care Ombudsman and the Grand Traverse Pavilions Family Council.
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